Presenters Guidelines

If your abstract has been selected for presentation, please refer to the following guidelines:

Guidelines for Free Communications

The maximum time for the presentation is 5 minutes. The presenter will have available the necessary audiovisual media, such as a computer, projector and screen. Any other needs must be informed by e-mail to the Secretariat via e-mail

Rules for the Submission of Clinical Cases

The maximum time for the presentation is 5 minutes. The presenter will have available the necessary audiovisual media, such as a computer, projector and screen. Any other needs must be informed by e-mail to the Secretariat via e-mail

E-poster Presentation Rules

The e-Poster must be organized vertically. The name of the author(s) and institution must be below the title. Authors must send their e-Poster in advance and according to instructions that will be sent, upon confirmation of the acceptance of their work.

If you have an abstract accepted as a Poster, you must submit it in digital format (e-Poster), according to the guidelines that will be announced shortly.